Friday, January 29, 2010

A True Atheist Won't Condemn Religion

Very often we come across hate-driven, spiteful things said about religion, like the utterances of Richard Dawkins.

Now the true atheist, the one who really believes we come from who knows where for no reason at all with only one certainty - we all face total oblivion, won't say anything about religion, or much anything about anything at all. Why? Because he would realise that if things really are as he believes, nothing much matters. Why spend his time and energy attacking something he believes doesn't exist? Why doesn't Richard Dawkins write a few books about Santa Claus? The Santa Claus Delusion.

Now all atheists, and the rest of us, too, know that some people derive comfort from religion. Why deny them this comfort? Especially if things are as bleak as atheists make them out to be. Are atheists such hate filled people and so downright nasty? I mean, if there is no God and these people are comforted by believing in a non existent God, what does it matter? Why hate something which doesn't exist? It doesn't make sense. Richard Dawkins, are you such a nasty piece of work you want to deny these people this comfort? I mean, in the end, according to atheists, nothing matters. And you are an atheist, right?

So, you see, spitting hate, venom and spite at religion makes no sense for the true atheist. If they are really atheists they would just shrug their shoulders when confronted by religion and go on doing whatever atheists do. Whatever they, or any of us do does't matter much, according to them. Because in the end...

Till next time.


  1. I think you have a misconception of atheism. Atheists condemn religion because of its history of violence. It's a quality of life issue. Things do matter in each moment. Most atheists that I know don't want to suffer. Many forms of religion seek to impose their ideas of what is right on everyone else, often with the use of force. I think there are a multitude of examples of this. They want to remove other people's freedom to live their lives as they wish.

    When you look at the studies countries in Europe such as Norway, who have more atheists, have a higher education rate, have less violence, and are more generous. There are less atheists in prison, they have a lower divorce rate, and generally have higher levels of education in the US.

    There is no evidence that being religious makes the quality of life better. People cite individual examples, but I think it has more to do with the person than whether they are atheist or religious.

    There are many good rational reasons to be ethical including the fact that it makes the quality of life better. You don't need a god to establish that.

  2. Neither of the two world wars were caused by religion. Stalin and Mao killed their millions rather in the name of atheism than religion. A great many hospitals and schools have been built in the name of religion. Name me one built in the name of atheism - note, I'm not saying by atheists. Truly religious people have lower crime rates, and in some cases, like the Seventh Day Adventists in the USA, longer life expectancies and lower disease rates than the general population. Look it up. Following the tenets of their respective religions will land very few people in prison, except in countries where religion is persecuted. And, at any rate, atheism can't explain the genetic code, or any code for that matter. Even Dawkins is willing to admit that life is so complex it can't be shown to have arisen spontaneously. He favours seeding by extra terrestrials as a possibility.
