Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Why do bad things happen?

The misery so often visible on Earth is a major cause of people deciding there’s no loving God behind everything.

But the complexity of creation, both physical and biological, demands a higher intelligence. Nobody can point to anything complex, like encoded information, arising without an intelligent source. So, how does this work?


We see things as humans from an Earthly viewpoint, which is understandable; we’ve only ever been humans living on Earth. For us, the highest value is human life, especially our own. But see things from the standpoint of some creatures we’re familiar with, say a sheep. Nobody can say a sheep does not value his life as much as we do. Prey animals flee from predators and often show terror when facing death. We slaughter tens or hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep daily without blinking an eye. If we don't value the life of lower animals as much as they do, who’s to say the creator of the Universe values human lives as much as we do? This leads to the next point.


We know humans have lives on Earth—we see that every day. We’re intrigued by what happens after death and speculate about it, but let’s be honest—no one’s ever come back from death with a report of how it is. There are near-death experiences, but they’re not widely accepted and too varied to convince. And they cover at best a few minutes. But how would we see death if we knew what lay beyond? Would Earthly death still be such a big deal? Even total annihilation is a painless nothingness.

The creator of the Universe can reconstruct us from our genetic code and engrams to the same state we were on Earth. A few improvements in our genetic codes, and we never die. Would such a creator not value our short lives on Earth less than we do?

Accountability and choice

Mankind wants to row its own boat and not be accountable to a Cosmic Creator.How can mankind now expect this creator to step in and save them from their own choices? Will we then ever get the message that while humans can manage many things, there are many we cannot manage? Will we be willing to hand over government of Earth to the creator if we don’t come face to face with the full consequences of human government?


Seen this way, what’s happening on Earth makes sense. Compared to what comes after, our time on Earth is short and not that important. The creator of the Universe will doubtlessly know far more than we know and it’s arrogant of us to question him. In the book of Job, Job questioned God about his misfortunes, and God’s only reply was, how can you question me? It’s like a cat or a dog questioning our decisions.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Delta Strain Mortality Rate in Australia

This is at least the third peak in daily case numbers and by far the largest. But the death rate is only 20-25% that of the second peak, despite the more cases now. The site to which the link leads is updated daily. Go to the Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases graph at the top and then scroll down to the Daily new confirmed COVID-19 deaths graph and compare.

The governments and the media are quiet about this. A bit of perspective; go to Cumulative confirmed COVID-19 deaths. From 1 March 2020 to 23 August 2021, there were 984 deaths. That's almost 17 months, say 16.5. Air pollution from coal-fired power stations kill about 795 in Australia annually. That's 1093 in 16.5 months—more than COVID. Gladys said nothing about that. Alcohol kills about 4,000 annually in Australia. That's 5,500 in the time COVID has been going. Total silence.

The grog shop near where I live is open in this lockdown. That's the BWS in Lavington. It's a drive-through, but they get out and go into the shop. Just checked, the one in town is open from 09H00 to 19H00.

The authorities are loath to give up the power COVID handed them and the media would like the easy news (find TV or radio news or a newspaper without COVID in it) to continue.

I've had my second shot on 1 July, and I'm still treated as if I have leprosy—a very lowly contagious disease, btw. I have to wear a mask and sign in everywhere I go. What's next? Should I ring a bell and shout, unclean, unclean?

Friday, July 23, 2021

How to easily stop and reverse global warming

The technology to do this has existed for many decades. The problem is people.

The human factor

Two overlapping groups are the problem.

  • the libtards—those who can’t distinguish between reality and the ideals of political correctness, and side with the latter
  • the teeming masses—they keep politicians in power and politicians will never upset them

As I ennumerate what should be done, starting with the most important, you’ll see how these two groups are the problem.

What should be done

  • replace all fossil fuel power stations with nuclear ones and ignore the libtards
  • stop all animal farming and go vegan—that’s right, redneck, from now on you’re a vegan

The above are the two remedies which will have by far the most effect on global warming. There are too many smaller ones to mention. I’ll name a few.

  • let private vehicle licence fees rise exponentially with fuel consumption—more below
  • stamp out all inefficient energy use—more below
  • replace all huge ships with nuclear‑driven ones
  • stop wasting money trying to create city, state, and country scale wind and solar electricity—it’s pie in the sky; build nuclear power stations

Vehicle licensing fees

Set a fuel‑consumption reference, say 7.5L/100Km. Have a certain test, say a long distance trip involving some cities on the way, and get the figures for the vehicles. Let a vehicle using 8.5L/100Km pay ten times more (101 times), one using 9.5L/100Km 100 times more (102 times), etc. One can use decimals for the power if the excess use is a fraction of a litre. Yes, bogan/redneck, you’ll have to sell your 4WD/SUV and get a small car.

Of course, everyone will claim they must use a big, fuel‑hungry vehicle. Each case should be individually evaluated and inapproprate vehicle use (no load, only a driver in a fuel‑hungry vehcle) heavily fined.

Inefficient energy use

There is so much of that. Below only a few.

  • cretins love to let their vehicles idle for minutes on end—starting and about seven seconds of idling use the same amount of fuel—there are billions of cretins in the world
  • running empy or near‑empty buses all over the planet
  • open, cooled shelves in supermarkets—not just here and there, all over the world
  • stupid people setting their air‑conditioners to the maximum heat (often 30°C) in winter and on the minimum in summer;in summer, the AC should only be able to start cooling at 28°C and not cool below 24° and in winter it should start at 18°C and not heat above 22°C
  • open doors and windows in rooms with AC and AC left on for hours when people leave

Doing all this will work, but it will upset most people. Tough titties, I say. Do we want to beat global warming, or don’t we? Of course, the politicians would not want to upset voters and so lose their cushy, well‑paid jobs. So, global warming is with us and may yet wreak havoc with the planet.