Thursday, October 13, 2022

The LGBTQ Agenda

In 1989, two gay activists, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, set out the LGBTQ agenda in the book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ‘90s.

You can download a 16-page synopsis of this book free. The numbers in parentheses in this document refer to the page numbers in the original book.

You can download a full-text, PDF scanned copy here., and you read or listen to the book online here. It’s the blue Download button with the headphones image left high on the page.

If you want to, buy the paperback book for US$345 from Amazon.

They made no bones about the fact that theirs is a propaganda campaign; a “Campaign of unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded in long-established principles of psychology and advertising. (xxviii)”

This is how they define propaganda: “Three characteristics distinguish propaganda from other modes of communication and contribute to its sinister reputation:

  1. Relies on emotional manipulation–through desensitisation, jamming and conversion;
  2. Use lies, and is
  3. Subjective and one-sided. “Tell our side of the story as movingly as possible. In the battle for hearts and minds, effective propaganda knows enough to put its best foot forward. This is what our own media campaign must do. (162-163)”

About people, they say: “90% of people have low intelligence. 10% fairly/highly intelligent. Can never alter the 90% through beliefs or arguments, only through emotions.”

I agree with them about this. I used to guesstimate the stupid percentage at 85%, but I‘m happy with 90%. Like democracy, they aim at the 90% and disregard the 10%.

About any religion opposed to their agenda, they say: ‘Accuse religious people: “Gays can use talk to muddy the moral waters, that is, to undercut the rationalisations that ‘justify’ religious bigotry and to jam some of its psychic rewards. “Portray such institutions as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step with the times and with the latest findings of psychology.”’(179)

Their campaign rests on three main pillars:

  1. Desensitisation; stop people from cringing when they hear about homosexuality or see its expressions.
  2. Jamming; neutralise those opposed to their campaign.
  3. Conversion; turn people into supporters of their campaign and admirers of the LGBTQ lifestyle.

They’ve had success, especially in pillars 1 and 3, amongst their target audience; the 90% basing their beliefs on emotion rather than reason. It’s not only with the LGBTQ issue that these people base their beliefs on emotion, but with everything. Doing research and learning logic require work and effort while emotions come freely and without effort. It’s no surprise that the 90% whom the LGBTQ lobby describes as having a “low intelligence” is intellectually lazy.

One unintended side-effect of their campaign was that its brazen nature solidified opposition to it among those rationally opposed to it. Just as reason won’t work to sway emotions, so emotion won’t work to change rational viewpoints.

The fact that nearly all media monkeys are driven by emotion rather than reason is strongly in favour of the LGBTQ lobby. And the media monkeys have free access to the hearts of the feeling 90%. The thinking 10% is closed to them.

Education has much to do with one’s preference for either feeling or fact. The arts and humanities are not based on the hard, unforgiving laws of nature, but on words and unconstrained ideas; mistakes have no or only late consequences and can’t be traced back to the one responsible. Sweden opened its doors to free immigration and now has the second-highest gun-crime rate in Europe. The perpetrators are immigrants. Sweden had a very low gun-crime rate. Can one point a finger at whoever was responsible for this? No.

On the other hand, small mistakes by those working in the applied sciences often have early, disastrous consequences. This happened when something as small as system resonance was ignored. Nowadays, it’s always taken into account.

So, certain people are forced to take reality into account, while others can ignore it. The first group was often against the LGBTQ agenda from the start, and, in many cases, are now hostile to it due to the incessant, strident propaganda. The last group is where you’ll find most of the ardent supporters of the LGBTQ agenda. I know there are outliers.

As the second pillar, jamming, didn’t have the hoped-for success (you’re reading this, aren’t you?), it’s now more energetically pursued and the LGBTQ group and their fellow travellers now propose harsher action against those not on board. Luckily, it seems there’s a wider backlash against the aggressive LGBTQ propaganda. One case is Facebook’s continuing problems. But apparently their wokeness was only one cause of their problems.