Sunday, March 22, 2020

Political correctness is a mental illness

The other day I thought that if schizophrenia is characterised by delusions and hallucinations then political correctness is schizophrenia without hallucinations. has a hallucination as a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind and a delusion as a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact.

The politically correct (henceforth called libtards for short) don't generally suffer from hallucinations. But they have strong delusions completely resistant to evidence. I'll name only a few. Note that goes for by far the majority of libtards, but not every single one of them.

Nuclear Power Generation

You cannot be a card-carrying member of libtards incorporated if you don't throw a hissy fit at the mention of nuclear power generation. It doesn't matter if one tells them that nuclear power generation kills fewest people per unit of electricity generated. Fewer than even their darlings, solar and wind power generation. Here is more.

Then, of course, there's France which gets more than 70% of its electricity from nuclear power which is the world and Europe's biggest exporter of electricity. Here are the world figures. Note that they export to the politically correct countries heavily relying on renewables - think mostly Germany here. Strangely enough, the two libtard nests with their renewables, Germany and Denmark, have the most expensive electricity in Europe. And France has no health or other problems from all their nuclear-power-generated electricity. The French don't glow in the dark. Strange, isn't it?

But do these figures change their warped little libtard minds? Not by a long shot. Is it normal to ignore decisive evidence and stick to one's delusions? Maybe in the madhouse.


There are libtards who say there is only one race, the human race. No, libtard. Humans are a species. Homo Sapiens. Sapiens is Latin and means wise or clever. Obviously, the reality-denying libtards don't belong to this species. The definition of a species is something like, a group that can freely pair and consistently produce fertile offspring. A cross between a Collie and a Labrador is a fertile dog. Not so a cross between a donkey and a horse—a mule.

A race is more something like a subspecies. The definition of a subspecies is something like, a subgroup in a species which breeds true and has common features identifying them as members of that subgroup and separating them from other groups in the species. By breeding true I mean Chinese have Chinese kids, German Shepards have German Shepard pups, Caucasians have Caucasian kids, etc.

We know that some dog races are faster than the others—only a libtard will put his money on the Bulldog in a race between a Bulldog and a Whippet. Similarly, some are cleverer. A Kelpie will leave a Boxer far behind in obedience training. Africans seem to be faster than the rest of us if one goes by Olympic medals in sprints. But when Vasco da Gama sailed around Africa in about 1498 the Africans did not have writing (already more than 2,000 years old in other parts), they did not use the wheel (even older) and they had no form of mathematics. Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth in Alexandria, Egypt in about 250BC. Do you think the state of the Africans at any stage, or even now, is a sign of intelligence? Obviously, that cannot be.

In 2002 Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen published a book called, IQ And The Wealth of Nations. Basically, the higher the average IQ of a country, the wealthier they were. This book caused many libtards to prolapse their uteruses (strictly speaking, uteri) and twist their spermatic cords. A flurry of testing was launched to prove these two wrong. Unfortunately for the libtards, however... The results were so unanimous that they couldn't be questioned. Here's one with the results lower down on the page and here's what happens if one dares contradict the libtards. Here is a short version of the history of research into race and intelligence. Academics even say suppressing the debate on this issue may do harm.

What the libtards do is try to nullify these results. They say intelligence is hard to define and cannot be measured. Although the race IQs are different, that means nothing according to the libtard. The fact that Africa is a mess is whitey's fault. In the process of doing this, the libtards talk more BS than was in the Augean stables. It's a pity Hercules is not here.


According to the libtards homosexuality is just a harmless variant of normal. So, how come the astronomical suicide and self-harm rate amongst homosexuals? Here is more. Of course, that's society's fault. And what about their predilection for serial killing? More than 40% of US serial killers are homosexual and more than half their serial killer victims were killed by homosexuals. Look at this. I suppose we should not mention that. This is no evidence that there is something seriously wrong with homosexuality, according to the libtards. They stick their heads in the sand.

Islam is a peaceful religion

Yeah, right.

But those were naughty Muslims, the libtards say. They didn't know that their own religion is a religion of peace. Well, what did they read in the Quran and the Hadiths? Kill the infidel, they read. Cut his throat. You may not want to fight, but fighting is good for you, they read. Here's their favourite verse in the Quran, the verse of the sword Here's another opinion. And this person actually went to the trouble to extract violent passages and he gives references. But despite all that, the libtard says, Islam is a religion of peace.

The evidence is clear, political correctness has a major problem recognising reality. Evidence means nothing to the libtard. That means they're delusional. Political correctness should be in the psychiatry textbooks. Someone should be looking for medication to at least control the madness of these poor people.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Bushfires in Australia

It's now 6 January 2020.  Australia had disastrous bushfires in the past week or two and some are still going.  About 3.5 million Hectares were scorched, at least 20 people are dead, the army is apparently helping to bury 100,000 dead cattle and more than 1,500 homes were burned down.  The prime minister, Scott Morrison promised a two bilion dollar recovery package.  The actual cost of the fires will, of course, only be known later.

Here are some resources confirming the above figures:
In the winter of 2019, I was in a car driving through the Mount Hotham area in Victoria.   There were masses of deadwood on the forest floor as far as one could see.  And it didn't stop as one drove along.  "This is a bushfire waiting to happen," I told my friend.  The order to evacuate Hotham came on the 3rd of January.

It's hard to set a Eucalyptus tree ablaze.  In New Zealand, we used to start the woodfires using pine and only then added the Eucalyptus wood.  One needs a lot of kindling to set fire to Eucalyptus wood.  This kindling is in plentiful supply in the woods of Australia.  And the authorities do nothing about it.  They have no incentive - they are never held accountable.  To say they were derelict in their duty would be a euphemism.  Gross negligence is closer to the mark.  And still, the law protects them.

The CSIRO did a study on wildfires in Tasmania which you can get here.  They studied three plans of action:
  1. Do nothing - popular with those living on the taxpayer dollar the world over.
  2. A maximal treatment, with the most possible prescribed burning within ecological constraints.
  3. 12 hypothetically more implementable state-wide prescribed-burning plans.
 Of the third option they said:
Leverage analysis of the 12 more-realistic implementable plans indicated that such prescribed burning would have only a minimal effect, if any, on fire extent and that none of these prescribed-burning plans substantially reduced fire intensity. 
This means it won't work.

Of the second option they said:
Statistical modelling showed that an unrealistically large maximal treatment scenario could reduce fire intensity in three flammable vegetation types, and reduce fire probability in almost every vegetation type.
My point is that bushfires are so devastating that expensive, large-scale preventative measures are justified.

Keeping that in mind, option two is clearly the way to go.  But they are already making excuses stating backburning won't work.  One of the problems is it can only be done in the right weather conditions.  They didn't say it, but I say it, backburns can get and have got out of hand.  So, if backburns are not the way to go, what is?

Finland had a decrease in forest fires over the past few decades.  They fare much better as far as forest fires are concerned than neighbouring Sweden.  The do clear deadwood from the forest floor and they go so far as to clean the forest floor of combustible material after cutting down trees.

It is justified to use armies of prisoners and able welfare recipients to clear the ground in Australian bushland.  It may not be politically correct, but political correctness should yield to reality.  And these bushfires were and are very real.  Of course, if anything is preferable to violating the principles of political correctness, go for the bushfires.

Getting the kindling out of the woods is most likely the most important thing to do that will yield results the soonest.  One should focus on the big gains first.