Friday, November 13, 2009

How did it happen? Who did it? Why are they free?

Let's get to the foundation stone of the "how" of the current economic crisis. At the core the problem was caused by creating near worthless assets and reselling them as assets of high worth. Truth sometimes has a way of getting out. In this case it did. When the truth that these assets were basically worthless saw the light, everyone, individuals and institutions alike, who had loaded up on these assets were worse off financially. The degree depended on how many of these near worthless assets they had. As these assets had been created in very large quantities the effects for some were devastating, as we all know.

What were these assets? Mortgages to people who could not possibly service these mortgages. Why lend to such people? First of all institutions were encouraged to do so. The Community Reinvestment Act in the USA encouraged institutions to lend to the poor. In fact, if they didn't make enough loans to the poor the institution couldn't expand by opening new branches or through mergers and acquisitions. The act had a nice catch 22; on one hand the loans had to be based on sound financial principles but on the other they should be to people which sound financial principles would have disqualified from receiving loans. The second reason is that people made money extending these loans. From the commission to the agent who writes the loan to the payment to the institution reselling the loans as derivatives to commissions to agents selling these derivatives. Down the track there were those raking in the windfall, the estate agents, the builders, tradesmen and many more. Note however that this last group just benefitted from this highly irregular situation. They had no say in extending these loans.

How can a mortgage be an asset? First of all, a mortgage has real estate behind it. So its backing seems rock solid. Now imagine buying a mortgage for $220,000 from an institution who extended a $200,000 mortgage. Over the years you are going to rake in, let's say $350,000. Not bad for an investment backed by real estate. If the person whose mortgage you hold doesn't pay, you sell his house. Neat. However, if thousands upon thousands of these people default on their mortgages thousands of thousands properties come on the market. Of course, by this time institutions are wary of extending mortgage loans. The properties which sell, sell for much less than the mortgages on them, if they sell at all. This happens all over the place. At this time things go off the rails in a major way.

So, who should be held responsible? Beyond any question of a doubt those who packaged these worthless assets and resold them as high value assets. They knew what they were doing. This is not rocket science. The mortgage defaults were guaranteed to happen. As sure as night follows day the next thing would be an avalanche of properties coming on the market. These financiers knew that right from the beginning. They are criminals and should be behind bars.

The next group of people are those who created the circumstances that made this possible. Many of them are just your usual inept public servants, from two USA presidents on downwards. Many of these have admitted that they have made mistakes. To which degree should they be held accountable? At present it seems that nothing is going to happen to any of them. If criminal negligence can be shown maybe some of them should be held accountable. It's not my call.

Below is a list of 25 people more or less responsible for the crisis. This list comes from Time. Clicking on any of the names will open a new window to the Time website to that person's page. Below the list I will discuss why so few have ended up, or face ending up, in jail.

Time list of the Blameworthy

  1. Angelo Mozilo

  2. Phil Gramm

  3. Alan Greenspan

  4. Chris Cox

  5. American Consumers

  6. Hank Paulson

  7. Joe Cassano

  8. Ian McCarthy

  9. Frank Raines

  10. Kathleen Corbet

  11. Dick Fuld

  12. Marion and Herb Sandler

  13. Bill Clinton

  14. George W. Bush

  15. Stan O'Neal

  16. Wen Jiabao

  17. David Lereah

  18. John Devaney

  19. Bernie Madoff

  20. Lew Ranieri

  21. Burton Jablin

  22. Fred Goodwin

  23. Sandy Weill

  24. David Oddsson

  25. Jimmy Cayne

Why are so few of these people in jail or face going to jail? First of all, much of what they did is not illegal. Extending a bad loan is not illegal. It is only when this bad loan is sold as a safe, good investment that it becomes fraud. The people who sold these derivatives will say they were open and honest. The people who bought them will say something different. Ideally, the exact nature of the investment, including its risks, should be on paper. It is extremely doubtful the buyers were fully informed of the nature of the investment. Of course, they should have exercised due diligence. I wonder how many people were offered these investments but turned them down. On the count of misrepresentation and downright fraud many more should get their comeuppance.

The second reason is that many of these well heeled people are also well connected. Make no mistake, they will use their connections. But that should be able to get them only that far. You may know that the Saudi royals got Tony Blair to stop a BAE bribery investigation. So, connections and leverage can get one pretty far.

The, most likely, most important reason is expensive lawyers. The legal profession has always been willing to follow big money, be it big money from the mob or from crooked company bosses. Connie Francis once sang that she could be found "where the boys are." Lawyers can be found where the money is. And these fat cats made millions selling or buying worthless investments, often driving old, established businesses into the ground. Dick Fuld made nearly $500,000,000 as CEO driving the 158 year old Lehman Bros into bankruptcy. He sold a $13,000,000 home in Florida to his wife for $100. Now why would he do that? All these people will have expensive legal representation. And in many developed countries the verdict is not based on one's guilt, but on the quality of one's legal representation. Expect many true criminals to walk away scott free.

That's enough for now. Next time I'll tell you how all this can be prevented.

Till next time.

Monday, November 9, 2009

2009 Financial Crisis

This financial crisis, why did it start, how did it start, how come it was possible in the first place, will it happen again?

We all know it started by people being able to make money by extending loans to people not having a snowball's chance in hell to service those loans. Making money by extending bad loans? That's downright stupid. Aren't there organisations, like governments and government organisations, who are supposed to see that such a stupidity can't happen? Where have they been? What have they been doing? Were they asleep or part of the whole scam?

To understand it all we have to go back to the beginning. Well not quite. We stay this side of the Big Bang and don't even approach moment zero. We start with one unenlightened cave man who put much effort into hunting down an antelope, killing it, skinning it, barbecuing a choice piece of meat to get the aroma to reach the nostrils of his intended partner in commerce. This cave man may have been unenlightened, but he was not stupid. He wanted to trade the antelope for something big. Well, not so big, really. She was kind of petite with disheveled hair and a build to die for. She was the teen-age daughter of his neighbour. This neighbour had the daughter, put effort into raising her at times and at other times convinced his wife to put the effort into raising their tomboy daughter. She was his property, like his wife was. He could trade her, and trade her he would. It was always on the cards. Life just was like that. He was getting on in years and his surviving four sons had families of their own and had no time to hunt for their old man and old lady. Now this young neighbour whose barbecuing meat smelled so heavenly was sure to be a good provider.

So, the trade was made. No money changed hands, but goods with intrinsic value did. The world of commerce operated like this for some time. The big problem with bartering was that one had to find someone who had what one wanted and wanted what one had. This was a problem even in primitive societies. There had to be something anyone could exchange for any goods. Some primitive societies used shells. Coinage and precious metals soon followed. Barter and buying co-existed for a long time. Even today barter is still used.

The problem was that in most cases the exchange medium had no or very little intrinsic value. How was one to insure that the system didn't get out of kilter? Who was to issue the exchange medium and how were they to decide how much of it to issue? The more people came on the scene, the more difficult these problems became.

Ideally, the exchange medium derived its value from the amount of goods and services a unit of it could buy. That means goods and services should increase and decrease in parallel to the exchange medium, or vice versa. It boils down to the same thing. As people increased and the industrial revolution came on the scene these problems became very difficult to manage. How was one to know the total amount of goods and services one should issue currency for? People started to back their currency with things like gold, which was a stupid idea. How can a currency derive its value from something dug out of the ground and put in vaults? Something of which there is much more available than is needed for all its uses? Gold may have been rare in antiquity, but not anymore. New gold fields and production methods have seen to that.

International trade has been around for thousands of years, but with the electronic age it accelerated out of all proportion. Now figures on paper, and even figures stored and moved between electronic mediums, count as currency. The balance between goods and services and whatever is used as an exchange medium has become very difficult to maintain.

Enter the sharks. They've always been around. But they never had it so good. Opportunities to make money out of manipulating money have never been so plentiful.

And there you have it: it is too easy to make money out of manipulating money. Very little thought has been given to how this can be prevented. The greed of some seems to be unlimited while the risk associated with scheming us suckers - yes, in the end someone always has to pay - is negligible. And, of course, people are too easily fooled. Will it happen again? You can bet your bottom dollar. Nothing has changed. These people got to keep their millions, they are not in jail, no effective safeguards have been put in place, such actions have not been criminalised. Yes, it will happen again.

Next time I will ask why the perpetrators are not in jail. What hold do they have over the powers that be that keeps them out of jail? Why did the powers that be not criminalise these actions? Why did they not take decisive action to prevent this happening again? Why reward these people and instances by paying them tax payer money?

Yes, Johnny Nash was right; there are more questions than answers.

Till next time.